How to Reach Banke Bihari Temple Goda Vihar Vrindavan Uttar Pradesh 281121

In this article, you will know all the transport modes to reach banke bihari temple goda vihar vrindavan uttar pradesh 281121.

Let’s dive in…


  1. Head to the nearest railway station, such as New Delhi Railway Station.
  2. Check the train schedule for trains bound for Mathura Junction, which is the nearest railway station to Vrindavan.
  3. Board the train to Mathura Junction.
  4. Upon arrival at Mathura Junction, exit the station.

Taxi or Auto-Rickshaw:

  1. Outside Mathura Junction, you’ll find taxi stands and auto-rickshaw stands.
  2. Hire a taxi or auto-rickshaw and provide the driver with the address of Banke Bihari Temple in Goda Vihar, Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh, 281121.
  3. The driver will take you to your destination. Make sure to confirm the fare beforehand.


  1. If you prefer traveling by bus, you can find buses going from Mathura to Vrindavan.
  2. Look for buses heading towards Vrindavan or ask at the bus station for the next available bus.
  3. Board the bus and inform the conductor or driver of your destination: Banke Bihari Temple in Goda Vihar, Vrindavan.
  4. The bus will drop you off at a stop closest to the temple.

Personal Vehicle or Rental Car:

  1. If you have access to a personal vehicle or rental car, you can drive to Vrindavan.
  2. Use GPS or navigation apps to find the best route to Goda Vihar in Vrindavan.
  3. Follow the directions and signs leading to Banke Bihari Temple.
  4. Upon reaching the vicinity of the temple, follow local signs for parking.

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