How to Reach Cafe 16 Hyderabad

In this article, you will know all the transport modes to reach cafe 16 hyderabad.

Let’s get started…


  1. The nearest metro station to Cafe 16 is Hafeezpet Metro Station.
  2. You can take the Hyderabad Metro to reach Hafeezpet metro station.
  3. From there, it’s a short distance to the cafe.


  1. If you prefer buses, you can check local bus routes that pass through Hafeezpet.
  2. The Google Maps app can help you find the most convenient bus route.

Auto-rickshaw or Cab:

  1. From the metro station or nearby areas, you’ll easily find auto-rickshaws or cabs to take you directly to Cafe 16.
  2. Auto-rickshaws are a common mode of local transportation in Hyderabad.

Car or Personal Vehicle:

  1. If you’re driving, use Google Maps to navigate.
  2. The cafe is located in a residential area, so parking might be available nearby.

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