How to Reach Hotel 81 Balestier Singapore

In this article, you will know all the transport modes to reach hotel 81 balestier singapore.

Let’s start the journey…


  1. Take the Line 145 bus from Bef Blk 104 to Bef Sultan Mque. The bus ride takes approximately 15 minutes and costs between $1 to $3.
  2. Alternatively, you can take the Line 145 bus via Bugis Stn Exit B. This route takes about 18 minutes and follows the same initial path from Bef Blk 104 to Bugis Stn Exit B.


  1. If you prefer a quicker option, take a taxi directly from Hotel 81 Balestier to Haji Lane. The distance is approximately 3 kilometers, and the taxi fare ranges from $6 to $8.


  1. For those who enjoy walking, you can cover the 2.8-kilometer distance from Hotel 81 Balestier to Haji Lane on foot. It will take approximately 33 minutes.

Remember to check the most up-to-date transportation schedules and availability before your journey. Enjoy your visit to Singapore!

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