How to Reach Jibhi Himachal Pradesh 175123

In this article, you will know all the transport modes to reach jibhi himachal pradesh 175123.

Let’s get started…

Flight and Taxi:

  1. Fly to Kullu-Manali Airport (Bhuntar) from either Delhi or Chandigarh.
  2. From Bhuntar, hire a taxi to Jibhi (approximately 51 km, 2 hours’ drive).

Bus and Hike:

  1. Take an overnight bus from Delhi to Aut Tunnel (recognized stop).
  2. Aut is a small town located 467 km from Delhi.
  3. From Aut, either take a local bus or hire a taxi to Jibhi.

Metro and Volvo Bus:

  1. Take the metro to Kashmere Gate in Delhi.
  2. From there, get a rickshaw to Majnu ka Teela.
  3. At Majnu ka Teela, board a Volvo bus to Manali or Kullu.
  4. Get down at Aut (before the tunnel).
  5. From Aut, proceed to Jibhi.

Train and Taxi:

  1. Reach Chandigarh railway station.
  2. Take a train to Mandi (70 km from Jibhi).
  3. From Mandi, hire a taxi to Jibhi.

Personal Vehicle:

  1. If you have your own vehicle:
    • Set your GPS to Jibhi, Banjar, Himachal Pradesh 175123.
    • Drive through scenic routes to reach Jibhi.

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