How to Reach Srikalahasti Temple Srikalahasti Andhra Pradesh 517644

In this article, you will know all the transport modes to reach srikalahasti temple srikalahasti andhra pradesh 517644.

Let’s start the journey…

By Air:

  1. The nearest airport to Srikalahasti is Tirupati Airport, located approximately 27 km away.
  2. From Tirupati Airport, you can take a taxi or a cab to reach the temple.

By Train:

  1. Srikalahasti has its own railway station, which is approximately 3 km from the temple.
  2. You can take a train to Srikalahasti from major cities like ChennaiBangalore, and Hyderabad.

By Road:

  1. Srikalahasti is well-connected by road.
  2. Adequate number of buses are available to the town from major cities.
  3. You can also drive to Srikalahasti by car. Here are some routes:
    • From Chittoor: Approximately 107 km.

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