How to Reach Anamudi Kannan Devan Hills Kerala 685561

In this article, you will know all the transport modes to reach anamudi kannan devan hills kerala 685561.

Let’s begin…

By Bus:

  1. Start: Take a bus to Munnar.
  2. Destination: Get off at Eravikulam National Park entrance.
  3. Safari Bus: Hop on the short safari bus ride from the park entrance to the viewpoint of Anamudi Peak. Enjoy the forest cover during the ride.
  4. Wildlife: Eravikulam National Park is home to animals like Asian elephantsGaurs, and the Nilgiri Tahr (wild mountain goat). If you’re lucky, you might spot Neelakurinji flowers covering the slopes once in 12 years.


  1. Start: Trek from the base camp at Rajamala (about 16 km from Munnar town).
  2. Duration: The 2-hour trek to Anamudi Peak from Eravikulam National Park is a memorable experience.
  3. Camping: Consider camping to enjoy early morning or late evening views of the peak.
  4. Picnic: The area around the peak is a preferred picnic spot.
  5. Photography: Capture the scenic views of the national park.

By Car or Taxi:

  1. Start: Drive or hire a taxi to Eravikulam National Park.
  2. Destination: Take the safari bus or trek to Anamudi Peak.
  3. Distance: Munnar to Anamudi Peak is approximately 15 km.

By Train:

  1. Start: Take a train to Ernakulam.
  2. Next Mode: Travel by road from Ernakulam to Kannan Devan Hills (about 4 hours).
  3. Destination: Reach Eravikulam National Park and proceed to Anamudi Peak.

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