How to Reach Tala Kaveri Karnataka 571247

In this article, you will know all the transport modes to reach tala kaveri karnataka 571247.

Let’s dive in…

By Bus:

  1. Start: Board a bus from your location to Coorg Old Private Bus Stand.
  2. Destination: Get off at Coorg Old Private Bus Stand.
  3. Next Bus: Take another bus from Coorg Old Private Bus Stand to Talakaveri.
  4. Distance: Talakaveri is approximately 8 km away from Bhagamandala and 48 km from Madikeri, the headquarters of Kodagu district.

By Train:

  1. Start: Take a train to Subrahmanya Road.
  2. Destination: Alight at Subrahmanya Road station.
  3. Next Mode: From Subrahmanya Road, you can take a taxi or a bus to Talakaveri.
  4. Note: The train journey takes around 10 hours.

By Car or Taxi:

  1. Start: Drive or hire a taxi to Talakaveri.
  2. Destination: The temple is located on Brahmagiri hills, about 8 km from Bhagamandala and 48 km from Madikeri.

By Air:

  1. Nearest Airports: You can fly to either Mangaluru International Airport (148 km)Bangalore International Airport (432 km), or Cochin International Airport (368 km).
  2. Next Mode: From the airport, take a taxi to Talakaveri.

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