How to Reach Mall Road Manali Himachal Pradesh 175131

In this article, you will know all the transport modes to reach mall rd manali himachal pradesh 175131.

Let’s dive in…

By Bus:

  1. If you’re starting from Shimla, take an HRTC bus from Shimla to Manali. The journey takes approximately 9 hours and 18 minutes.
  2. The bus will drop you off at the Manali Bus Depot, which is near the main Mall Road of Manali.
  3. From the bus depot, walk to Mall Road. It’s a bustling street with showrooms, department stores, shops, restaurants, and cafes.

By Taxi:

  1. For a more direct and comfortable option, hire a taxi from Shimla to Mall Road in Manali.
  2. The distance is approximately 149.3 miles, and the ride will take around 3 hours and 56 minutes.


  1. If you have access to a car, drive from Shimla to Mall Road in Manali.
  2. Follow the route along NH205 and NH3.
  3. Mall Road is the main street in Manali, housing various showrooms, shops, and eateries.

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